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Surry County, North Carolina: How Do I Get Someone Out Of Jail?

May 8

Do not be worried if you find yourself caught in a scenario where you have to help someone get out of Surry County jail, North Carolina. There are a variety of bail bond agencies that can help you get the process moving.

This article will provide you with an outline of bail bond procedures and assist you in choosing the best bail bond company. We hope this article will ease some of your stress.

What exactly is a Bail Bond?

A bail bond is a financial assurance that the accused will appear before the court on the time and date specified. If the accused does not appear, the full bail amount must be paid by the cosigner, or the indemnitor.

The amount paid by bail bond firms generally is around 10 percent of the total bail amount. The fee is not refundable, regardless of whether the case is dismissed or if the defendant is found not guilty.

The process of bailing Someone out of Jail

Once you've decided to use a bail bonds company then you'll need to contact them to provide basic information regarding you and the defendant. The company will then require collateral from you in order to guarantee the bond.

The collateral may be in the form of property, cash or even a car. The bail bond company will retain this collateral until the case has been resolved and the bond has been removed from the bond.

You might be able to find a cosigner if you are unable or unwilling to pay the collateral.

After all paperwork has been completed and collateral is posted after which the bail bonds firm will then post the bail bond with the court. The defendant will then be released from jail.

What should you Look at when looking for an Surry County Bail Bond Company

When you're searching for a bail bonds company located in Surry County, there are certain things you should look for.

You will first want to ensure that the company is licensed and bonded. This will ensure that the company is legitimate and that they have enough money to cover your bond.

The next step is to be sure that the business is reputable. You can verify this through the Better Business Bureau or do an internet search to determine if there are any complaints regarding the company.

Finally, you will be looking to ensure that the firm has affordable rates. While bail bonds typically cost about ten percent of the bond's total amount, some firms might charge more or less.

What happens if you can't Afford to Bail Someone Out of Jail?

If you cannot afford to pay for someone's bail out of jail, there are a few options available to you. You can first contact a bail bonds company to see if they provide financing. While this will require collateral like your vehicle or your home It could be worth it should you be able to help get your loved one out jail.

A different option is to reach the court to find out if the person qualifies for a public defender. If they qualify, the court will assign an attorney to represent them at no cost.

Lastly, you could raise the money yourself by organizing a fund-raiser or asking friends and family members to contribute.

Whatever route you decide to take, the most important thing to do in life is getting your loved family members out of jail as quickly as possible. They will be better able to defend themselves in jail and have a better chances of obtaining an impartial trial.


Surry County Bailbond can help you bail someone out of jail should you find yourself in this unfortunate circumstance. We are available 24/7, seven days a week, and can have someone released from jail in less than two hours.

GMB Address
500 N Greensboro St, Liberty, NC 27298, United States
+1 336-795-0289